Broken horns


Auteur(s)Stone, Angus (Interprête); Stone, Julia (Interprête); Biolay, Benjamin (Interprête)

Titre(s)Broken horns [enr. sonore] / Angus and Julia Stone ; Benjamin Biolay.

Editeur(s)Discograph, P 2013.

ContientRiver love. - Broken brights. - Bird on the buffalo. - Wooden chair. - The blue door. - Apprentice of the rocket man. - Only a woman. - The wolf and the butler. - Monsters. - It was blue. - Be what you be. - Clouds above. - End of the world. - Old mercedes benz. - Happy together. - Let's forget all the things that we say. - Bloodbuzz Ohio. - It's all okay. - I'm here I'm not here. - Justine. - Break apart. - With the light. - I want to live here. - By the horns. - The line that ties me.

NotesCe coffret contient : l'album d'Angus Stone "Broken brights", l'album de Julia Stone "By the horne" et le DVD regroupant les 2 artistes : "This magical land behind your eyes".


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