Roots of rhythm & blues

Auteur(s)Rubberlegs, Williams (Chant); Moore, Gatemouth (Interprête); Hampton, Lionel (Interprête); Page, Hot Lips (Trompette Cornet Bugle) (Chant); Kirk, Andy (Interprête); Richmond, June (Chant); Brown, Walter (Chant); Hodges, Johnny (Saxophone (Alto, Baryton, Soprano, Ténor); Johnson, Pete (Piano); Millinder, Lucky (Interprête); Mac Vea, Jack (Saxophone (Alto, Baryton, Soprano, Ténor); Eckstine, Billy (Chant); Bradshaw, Tiny (Interprête); Otis, Johnny (Batterie); Johnson, Buddy (Piano); Tharpe, Rosetta (Sister) (Guitare) (Chant); Rushing, Jimmy (Interprête); Johnson, Ella (Interprête); Hawkins, Erskine (Trompette Cornet Bugle); Spirits of rhythm (The) (Interprête); Five Red Caps (Interprête)

Titre(s)Roots of rhythm & blues [enr. sonore] : New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Kansas City : 1939-1945 / Louis Jordan and his Tympany Five, Joe Liggins & his Honeydrippers, Roy Milton & his Solid Senders, Nat "King" Cole Trio... [et al.].

Editeur(s)Frémeaux & Associes S.A, P1996.

ContientCaldonia. - The Honeydripper part 1. - Milton's boogie. - That ain't right. - I wonder. - Drifting blues. - Blues at sunrise. - T-Bone boogie. - Rock me Mama. - If it's good. - Be-baba-leba. - Rich man's blues. - Boogie woogie stomp. - Cow cow boogie. - Jimmy's blues. - Piney Brown blues. - Here comes the blues. - Cherry Red blues. - That's the blues. - I ain't made at you. - Flyin' home. - 627 stomp. - Sunset blues. - 47th jive. - New confessin' the blues. - Dooji wooji. - After hours. - That's all. - Bartender boogie. - Blowin' the blues away. - School days blues. - Harlem nocturne. - That's the stuff you gotta watch. - Dr. Watson and Mr. Holmes. - Boogie woogie on a Saturday night. - Strange things happening every day.

NotesInterprété aussi par : Cecil Gant, Charles Brown with Johnny Moore Three Blazers, Ivory Hunter with Johnny Moore's 3 Blazers, T-Bone Walker with Marl Young & his Orchestra, Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup, Julia Lee with Tommy Douglas' Orchestra, Helen Humes with Bill Doggett's Octet, Dinah Washington with Lucky Thompson's All Stars, Albert Ammons and his Rhythm Kings, Freddie Slack and his Orchestra, Ella Mae Morse, Count Basie and his Orchestra, Jimmy Rushing, Big Joe Turner and his Fly Cats, Wynonie "Blues" Harris with Illinois Jacquet & his All Stars, Cootie Williams and his Orchestra, Rubberlegs Williams with Clyde Hart's All Stars, Gatemouth Moore with Dallas Bartley and his Small Town Boys, Lionel Hampton and his Orchestra, Pete Johnson's Band, Hot Lips Page & his Orchestra, Andy Kirk and his Clouds of Joy, June Richmond, Walter Brown with Jay MacShann Quartet, Johnny Hodges and his Orchestra, Erskine Hawkins and his Orchestra featuring Avery Parrish, Lucky Millinder and his Orchestra, Jack McVea... [et al.].

Sujet(s)Rhythm'n' blues


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